Friday, July 25, 2008

Building in SL

Since the last (third) session I think I've finally got to grips with building and terraforming in SL! For me the best learning process is to gt stuck in and be able to ask questions when I get stuck. I also have a preference for 'playing' as a form of learning - try things out, push the limits, gt an overview with what the software will do and not do etc. I then go back and re-do and refine what I have learnt and developed.

The discussion in the last session was very useful and got me thinking about the types and nature of interactions and group (teams or pairs etc.) working in this learning environment. I'm also concious of the effect that the design of the physical environment has on the learner - is an informal learning environment (essentially an island holiday resort at the present design!1) the most effective design for the kinds of learning we want our students to undertake, or just my preferences for spacial and landscape design!!

On a practical level - picking up on Peter's previous post, I'll next develop a path structure around the island with seats, signs and a graphic style etc that will hold the whole thing together.


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